How to Know When Your Child is Having a Dental Emergency

young girl at a dentist appointment, pediatric dental emergency


If your child is experiencing a dental emergency, CONTACT WILSON PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY IMMEDIATELY AT (252) 291-4300 for same-day dental care.

Few things are worse than seeing your child in pain. As a parent, you want to do whatever you can to keep your child healthy. With all the playing and exploring kids do, pediatric dental emergencies are not uncommon, and an important part of protecting your daughter or son’s dental health is knowing how to react when they happen.

Here are some common examples of pediatric dental emergencies, so you know what to do and when to contact your pediatric dentist for emergency treatment.

What is a Pediatric Dental Emergency?

A pediatric dental emergency is any unexpected dental issue that requires immediate attention or treatment.

Many of these problems come with extreme pain. Some emergencies can even impact the way new teeth come in. Here are some of the most common pediatric dental emergencies we experience in our office.

Lost Tooth

If your child suddenly and unexpectedly loses a tooth, they should see their pediatric dentist immediately.

If you’re able to find the tooth, keep it. Make sure the tooth stays moist with milk, salt water, or saliva during the drive to the dentist. If your child is older, you can put the tooth back in the socket or have them hold it in their mouths. Avoid this with younger children, as they may swallow the tooth.

If the lost tooth is permanent, we will do our best to try to reintroduce it. The faster we can act, the more likely the procedure is to be successful.

If your daughter or son unexpectedly loses a baby tooth, we will not typically try to replace the tooth, even if it was lost very early. This is because reintroduction may harm the incoming permanent tooth bud. You should still bring your child in for emergency dental treatment, so that the damage can be assessed.

Chipped or Broken Teeth

With kids constantly rough-housing sometimes teeth end up chipped or broken. Whether the fracture occurs in the crown or fracture, the pain is usually considerable.

Treat the tooth with a cold compress and children’s pain medicine. Next, call Wilson Pediatric Dentistry for emergency dental care.

Tooth Pain

Chances are, if your little one’s teeth hurt, they won’t be able to verbalize specific causes of the pain. Toothaches come from a variety of issues ranging from the routine to severe. Some common causes are:

  • Food stuck in the teeth
  • Cavities
  • Trauma
  • Tooth fracture
  • Tooth eruption

Check your child’s mouth for abnormalities, and have them rinse. If the pain persists, take them in for treatment.

Displaced Teeth

Sometimes teeth don’t get knocked out but knocked around. Whether they become impacted or made crooked, displacement can have a negative impact on future development and requires immediate attention. Treat the tooth with a cold compress while you’re on the way to the office.

Dental Abscess

A tooth abscess is a nasty infection occurring in the roots your child’s tooth. If left unchecked, this infection can spread to other parts of the body. Some signs to look out for include:

  • Severe tooth, jaw, or gum pain
  • Swollen gums
  • Fever
  • Bad taste in mouth
  • Bad breath

If your child is experiencing any of these issues, don’t waste time. The faster you act, the sooner they’ll be smiling again! Wilson Pediatric Dentistry in North Carolina offers same-day emergency appointments during business hours. Call us at (252) 291-4300.