Benefits of Dental Disking

Oral Health
When a child’s permanent teeth come through, it can lead to crowding in the mouth and misalignment. No one wants such an exciting and momentous occasion to be ruined by these concerns, but luckily, there is a sophisticated way to correct them and leave teeth looking straight. It’s called disking: a method of finely shaving existing teeth so that there’s space for new ones. It’s now available at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry.


Benefits of Dental Disking

How Does This Treatment Work?

During this procedure, one of our trained dentists will carefully shave down the existing teeth of the patient to make more space for the incoming tooth. This will involve shaving either one or both of the teeth next to the new tooth. 


Because only the enamel is being touched, it’s a painless procedure and is very suitable for children. Our dentist can determine if this treatment is worthwhile using a Dental X-ray during a regular dental exam.


Why Should I Consider This Treatment for My Child?

By treating overcrowding and misalignment early, you may avoid orthodontic work down the road. Solutions such as braces become necessary when teeth are not straight, or too close together. Not only can braces be an uncomfortable and drawn-out process for your child, but they can be incredibly expensive. 


This treatment is often covered by insurance, which again makes it a great option for wallet-conscious parents. Check with your insurance provider to see if pediatric dentistry procedures are covered.


Is This Treatment Right for My Child?

Our experienced kids’ dentist in Greenville, NC, will be able to determine if this treatment is the best course of action or if there is an alternate technique that might be better suited to your child. For example, if they have lost a baby tooth prematurely, space maintainers may be recommended. These devices ensure existing teeth remain far enough apart so that there’s space for new teeth. If effective, space maintainers may negate the need for the shaving of teeth down the road.

Simple, cost-effective, and almost pain-free, disking can be an extremely potent way to correct a child’s teeth, leaving them with a healthy, hearty smile. Schedule an appointment with our local pediatric dentist in Greenville, NC. We are an ideal destination for treating all kinds of oral health concerns, as well as offering services like X-rays, emergency procedures, and even early orthodontic treatments. Your child should be visiting a dentist from as early as one-year-old, so come by Wilson Pediatric Dentistry today.